
Featured Videos

In this category find a selection of featured videos, ranging from personal development to BodyGraph mechanics to the advanced education and mystical teachings of Ra Uru Hu.

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Showing 13 to 18 (of 30 items)
  • The Heart of the Matter

    The Heart of the Matter

    Explore the enormous impact of the Ego/Heart Center. Delve into the most complex and potentially devastating not-self strategies. Get your life back on track through the wisdom of the open Heart Center.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet

    Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet

    The first 30 years of life, leading up to the Saturn return. What role does nourishment play? How do we ensure that a child develops in a way that is physically and mentally healthy?
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Split Definition

    Split Definition

    Explore why this definition has the drive to connect with the other to experience wholeness. Discover practical tools for dealing with not-self themes that emerge in the open places between splits.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • Solar Plexus: Need - From Field to Pot

    Solar Plexus: Need - From Field to Pot

    Journey through the tribal stream, touching on the “need” of each Gate. Do you feel inconsistent, uncertain or up and down emotionally? Learn the key requirements for emotional nature.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sacral: Generating the World

    The Sacral: Generating the World

    If you are a Sacral being, you have the power to transform the world when operating correctly. Explore the aura and potential of the Sacral. Learn about the format channels between the Sacral and Root Centers.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Power Column: From Sacral to G

    The Power Column: From Sacral to G

    Explore the central streams of the BodyGraph: The tantric channels. Understand how the internal direction mechanism works. Learn about the transpersonal, auric forms called the Penta and the WA.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 13 to 18 (of 30 items)