In this category find a selection of featured videos, ranging from personal development to BodyGraph mechanics to the advanced education and mystical teachings of Ra Uru Hu.
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The collective stream of desire is the human experiential way. Learn how this stream has the biggest influence on human life. Journey from the pressure of the 41st Gate to the progress of the 35th Gate.
The wonders of the G Center and how it controls the Rave Mandala wheel. Learn about the Magnetic Monopole, our sense of identity and direction. Explore the mechanisms and roles of the 8 gates of the G Center.
Explore the mechanics and beauty of the 11 distinct voices of the complex Throat Center. How do you express yourself through your unique voice? How is your voice conditioned?
The Four Transformations: Digestion, Environment, Perspective, and Awareness. A clear, practical map for your transformation. Explore an overview of the 16 variable groupings.
Do you have a defined Solar Plexus Center? This is automatically your Authority. Learn why the Solar Plexus Center finds clarity over time. Understand the power of the Emotional wave and why there is “no truth in the now”.