Please enjoy our wide selection of free articles on a host of Human Design topics, including testimonials from you, our community.
There is a very simple art to being a Generator. Yet while it may be simple, it's not always easy...
How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control: the way your aura operates. What's the art of the Projector aura?
The first seven years of life marks the most intense time of conditioning, and the Solar Plexus Center so powerfully defines the nature of our being.
“The only beings on this planet who are equipped by design to be in a relationship are split definitions… I’m a single definition, I know that I don't belong in relationships.”
There is nothing that has greater impact in Human Design than the Solar Plexus Center. It is the motor of our emotional nature, and it operates in a wave.
A comprehensive overview of this profound system covering history, the many facets of the BodyGraph, the importance of Definition, and the power of Conditioning.