Stories & Articles by Ra Uru Hu

Showing 103 to 108 (of 162 items)
  • The Fates and Gate 30
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Fates and Gate 30

    Logic is always seeking the perfect pattern, and the perfect pattern is possible. But for the Abstract, there can be no such thing.

  • Self-Love
    Ra Uru Hu General


    I think often there's a great deal of confusion about what I mean when I ask people, in a sense remind them, to love themselves. Self-love is really an incredible thing; I think it is one of the rarest things that we have on the planet.

  • Seekers
    Ra Uru Hu General


    I've seen so many seekers at this point in my career that in some ways, it's disheartening. There is a Channel in the BodyGraph, the 11/56, which is the Channel of Curiosity. It’s the Design of the Seeker...

  • Giving Children Their Own Authority
    Ra Uru Hu Relationships and Parenting

    Giving Children Their Own Authority

    We need children to be awakened; they’re going to carry the energy into the future. They’re the ones who are going to have to deal with the great mutation of 2027 and live in a world that is radically different.

  • Success on the Material Plane
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Success on the Material Plane

    One of those old jokes that I've had in my teachings of Human Design over the years is that basically, you can create any title—better sex, better this, better that, whatever the case may be—in the end, it really comes down to the same thing: It comes down to operating correctly.

  • The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design
    Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

    The Magnetic Monopole and Human Design

    One of the core aspects, and most extraordinary mysteries of Human Design is the Magnetic Monopole. Within the framework of Human Design, the neutrino and the magnetic monopole allow us to reliably look at how we operate, and the ways the world operates.

Showing 103 to 108 (of 162 items)