Learn why 20% of the population is ‘not here to work’ and what it means to be truly recognized and invited. Understand the gift of mastering systems and how to move from bitterness to success.
Why you are needed as a resource of information for the future. Learn why Projectors need to master systems. The ascendancy of the Projector and its role as guide and administrator.
Explore the rarest phenomena in Human Design. Learn how information is processed, how fixedness works, and the importance of bridging the splits in a healthy way.
Learn what it means to have all 9 Centers of the BodyGraph open and how this openness allows the aware Reflector to sample Auras. Discover how the rarest Type finds their truth through the cycles of the Moon.
The 20-year period between the Saturn and Kiron return. What conditions set the stage to plant the seeds of your Incarnation cross? Why is it crucial to be in the right environment?
Is the busyness of your mind interfering with your life? The not-self mind cannot truly ‘see’. Learn how we can each be transformed to see unique to our own nature.