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Showing 85 to 90 (of 100 items)
  • The Root: To be or not to be

    The Root: To be or not to be

    Constantly feeling under pressure? Driving yourself at an unrealistic pace? Understand the function of the Root pressures and how to live with them correctly.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Sacral: Generating the World

    The Sacral: Generating the World

    If you are a Sacral being, you have the power to transform the world when operating correctly. Explore the aura and potential of the Sacral. Learn about the format channels between the Sacral and Root Centers.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Seven Centered Being

    The Seven Centered Being

    Gain insight into how we have been conditioned by the Seven-Centered life to be mentally strategic and fear-based, and how we can move beyond the not-self world.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Signature Question

    The Signature Question

    Do you experience anger, frustration, bitterness or disappointment? Explore the signposts for each of the 4 Aura Types’ Signatures. Learn how the simplicity of Strategy and Authority can transform your life.
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Spleen: From Ambition to Egoism

    The Spleen: From Ambition to Egoism

    The first awareness Center that developed in mammals. Learn how the Spleen is connected to the immune and lymphatic systems, and in charge of survival. What are your potentials if you have an open Spleen?
    Now at Ra.TV
  • The Spleen: From Vitality to Identification

    The Spleen: From Vitality to Identification

    Logic is the only form of awareness that can actually pursue perfection. Discover how the Spleen and Root Center fuel the collective need to find stable patterns for the future.
    Now at Ra.TV
Showing 85 to 90 (of 100 items)