Profiles: 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 and 6/3. The Geometry of Transpersonal Destiny. Discover why purpose is fulfilled through connection with others, and learn about the 5th and 6th lines’ roles in transpersonal karma.
Are you feeling overwhelmed in your openness? Learn how your Authority can help you navigate through life. Recognize the forces of the conditioning field and the Moon’s impact.
Explore the abstract mental stream of awareness from the Head & Ajna to the Throat. Do you feel under pressure to make sense of the past? Learn the value of this process and how it leads to ideas, beliefs, and storytelling.
Journey into the individual knowing stream of awareness. Decode the mystery of how the Individual mind works. Explore how the Individual stream expresses through the mutative 23rd Gate.
What does it mean financially and economically that the ‘Cross of Planning’ is fading away? Explore how this change will affect the material world. Learn how you can gain mastery of the material plane.